Program committee

Name Affiliation
Masashi Nishihata University of Toronto
Jed Crandall University of New Mexico
Roya Ensafi chair University of Michigan
Dave Levin University of Maryland
Rishab Nithyanand University of Iowa
Eric Wustrow University of Colorado Boulder
Nick Feamster University of Chicago
Amir Houmansadr UMass Amherst
Phillipa Gill U. Mass Amherst
Seda Gürses TU Delft/KU Leuven
Michalis Polychronakis Stony Brook University
Dan Wallach Rice
Jacob Klein Psiphon
Will Scott Protocol Labs
Prateek Mittal Princeton Univ.
Samantha Bradshaw Oxford University
David Fifield None
Michael Carl Tschantz International Computer Science Institute
Anita Nikolich Illinois Institute of Technology
Hans Klein chair Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Milton Mueller Georgia Institute of Technology
Drew Springall Auburn University